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  • Confucius

    The Analects, also known as the Analects of Confucius, are a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held. The Chinese title literally means "discussion over [Confucius'] words." Written during the Spring and Autumn Period through the Warring States Period (ca. 479 BC - 221 BC), the Analects is the representative work of Confucianism and continues to have a tremendous influence on Chinese and East Asian thought and values today. (Summary more

  • Confucius

    The philosophy of Confucius was so powerful that it dominated intellectual life in ancient China for centuries. It even came to be considered a religion, and there are still temples where Confucius is worshipped as the God of Culture. His writings were transmitted as aphorisms, each one of them one concentrated teaching about philosophy, ethics, or society. We have selected for you 100 of these teachings, so you can discover how the fundamental teachings of ancient China still nourish our daily life. Meditate on Confucius' philosophy, discover one of the greatest authors to have ever lived, and see how his quotes will empower your life with their more

  • Lao Zi

    ‘The Three Asian Wise Men: Confucius, Lao Tzu, Buddha’ is a collection of quotes and sayings by the three great ancient sages, whose words of wisdom continue to influence Chinese society to this day. Architects of the three teachings: Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism, they created the idea of Ying and Yang, going with the flow, reincarnation, benevolent leadership and many others. With well-known sayings such as 'Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.' and 'It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop.', this collection is perfect if you want to understand modern-day China or just learn some wisdom that will help you more

  • Confucius

    De filosofie van Confucius was zo krachtig dat het intellectuele leven in het oude China eeuwenlang werd gedomineerd. Het werd zelfs beschouwd als een religie, en er zijn nog steeds tempels waar Confucius wordt aanbeden als de God van de Cultuur. Zijn geschriften werden als aforismen overgedragen, waarbij elk van hen zich concentreerde op het onderwijs over filosofie, ethiek of de maatschappij. We hebben voor u 100 van deze leringen geselecteerd, zodat u kunt ontdekken hoe de fundamentele leer van het oude China ons dagelijks leven nog steeds voedt. Mediteer over de filosofie van Confucius, ontdek een van de grootste auteurs die ooit hebben geleefd, en zie hoe zijn citaten je leven more

  • Confucius

    The Analects are a collection of Confucius’s sayings brought together by his pupils shortly after his death in 497 BC. Together they express a philosophy, or a moral code, by which Confucius, one of the most humane thinkers of all time, believed everyone should live. Upholding the ideals of wisdom, self-knowledge, courage and love of one’s fellow man, he argued that the pursuit of virtue should be every individual’s supreme goal. And, while following the Way, or the truth, might not result in immediate or material gain, Confucius showed that it could nevertheless bring its own powerful and lasting more

  • Confucius

    Brought to you by Penguin. This Penguin Classic is performed by Windson Liong. This definitive recording includes an introduction by Martin Palmer. The Most Venerable Book (also known as The Book of History) is one of the Five Classics. For many centuries it was a central work for anyone wishing to work for the Imperial administration, with its prestige stemming from the belief that it had been assembled by Confucius himself. The First Emperor tried to have all copies destroyed because of its subversive implication that 'the Mandate of Heaven' could be withdrawn from rulers who failed their people. For similar reasons it was also banned by Mao. Extraordinarily, it has been revived more

  • Confucius

    The Analects, or Lunyu also known as the Analects of Confucius, are considered a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held. Written during the Spring and Autumn Period through the Warring States Period (ca. 475 BC - 221 BC), the Analects is the representative work of Confucianism and continues to have a substantial influence on Chinese and East Asian thought and more

  • Confucius

    The Analects, or Lunyu, also known as the Analects of Confucius, are considered a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held. Written during the Spring and Autumn Period through the Warring States Period (ca. 475 BC - 221 BC), the Analects is the representative work of Confucianism and continues to have a substantial influence on Chinese and East Asian thought and values today. William Jennings was a rector of Grasmere, and late colonial chaplain. He served at St. John's Cathedral in Hong Kong. (Summary by Wikipedia and more

  • Confucius

    Les idées de Confucius ont influencé toutes les civilisations d'Asie de l'Est. La croyance en la capacité de l'homme ordinaire à modifier son propre destin caractérise cet héritage. Ses 'Entretiens' et ses théories, largement popularisés par ses disciples, constituent une doctrine de perfectionnement moral, toujours d'actualité de nos jours. «L'homme de bien ne demande rien qu'à lui-même ; l'homme de peu demande tout more

  • Confucius

    The wisdom of Confucius for success and wealth! The Chinese thinker left many simple ideas in his genius that will help you achieve prosperity! This book will fill your everyday life with meaning and give you the opportunity to get out of the eternal shortage of money. Achieve success in deeds, making yourself happy, but also surrounding people. You will get acquainted with the principles of the ethics of oriental management, which guarantee effective management. The wisdom of Confucius will allow you to always make the right choice and thrive more

  • Confucius

    What is love? When did it appear? Writers, philosophers, scientists have been arguing about this for thousands of years. Love is passionate, undivided, first, strange, strong, all-conquering. Love can both purify the human soul, and lead to treason or betrayal. What can teach love? How to build relationships between lovers? How to make relations in the family harmonious? How to properly raise children so that they respect their parents? All this will be discussed in this book. Although advice for lovers was written by the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius many thousands of years ago, they are still relevant. Also you will get acquainted with the biography of Confucius, the more

  • Confucius

    La pensée de Confucius est si forte qu'elle domina la vie intellectuelle de la Chine ancienne pendant des siècles, allant jusqu'à constituer une véritable religion. La Chine abrite encore des temples où Confucius est un véritable dieu, celui de la culture. Ses écrits nous ont été transmis sous forme d'aphorismes, chacun un condensé d'enseignements sur la philosophie, l'éthique, ou la société. Ces 100 citations sont autant de preuves que la pensée de la Chine ancienne peut fournir l'inspiration essentielle de notre vie quotidienne. Nourrissez-vous de la pensée d'un des plus grands auteurs ayant jamais vécu sous forme de livre audio, pour l'emporter partout more

  • Confucius

    La pensée de Confucius est si forte qu'elle domina la vie intellectuelle de la Chine ancienne pendant des siècles, allant jusqu'à constituer une véritable religion, le confucianisme. Lao-tsu (Laozi, Lao-tzu, ou Lao Tseu) est l'auteur du Tao Te Ching (Livre de la Voie et de la Vertu), et fut le père fondateur du taoïsme. C'est à lui qu'on doit le sens des équilibres yin et yang, le principe du non-agir, et l'idée du Tao, à l'origine de toutes choses. Siddharta Gautama était né prince ; dégoûté des illusions matérielles, il parcourut un temps le chemin de l'ascétisme, avant de se rendre compte que la négation du corps n'était qu'une autre des illusions de la more

  • Confucius

    De gedachte aan Confucius is zo sterk dat het het intellectuele leven van het oude China eeuwenlang heeft gedomineerd en zelfs een ware religie, het Confucianisme, heeft gevormd. Lao-tsu (Laozi, Lao-tzu, of Lao Tseu) is de auteur van het Tao Te Ching (Boek van de Weg en de Deugd), en was de grondlegger van het Taoïsme. Het is aan hem dat we het gevoel van yin en yang evenwicht, het principe van non-action, en het idee van Tao, de oorsprong van alle dingen, te danken hebben. Siddharta Gautama werd als prins geboren; walgend van materiële illusies, reisde hij een tijd lang het pad van de ascese, voordat hij zich realiseerde dat de ontkenning van het lichaam slechts een van de illusies more

  • Confucius

    Tanken på Confucius är så stark att den dominerade det forntida Kinas intellektuella liv i århundraden och gick så långt att det utgjorde en sann religion, konfucianismen. Lao-tsu (Laozi, Lao-tzu eller Lao Tseu) är författaren till Tao Te Ching (Book of the Way and Virtue) och var grundläggaren till taoismen. Det är för honom som vi är skyldiga känslan av yin och yang-jämvikt, principen om icke-handling och idén om Tao, ursprunget till allt. Siddharta Gautama föddes som prins; äcklad av materiella illusioner, reste han vägen till asketism en stund innan han insåg att kroppens förnekelse bara var en annan av medvetenhetens illusioner. Det var då han uppnådde upplysning, more

  • Confucius

    Ce recueil des plus belles maximes de Confucius permet, de façon synthétique, d'aborder l'ensemble des thèmes chers au confucianisme et de se familiariser avec une philosophie dont l'influence a largement dépassé les frontières more

  • Confucius

    Confucianism may be a religion or merely a moral philosophy, but this “Bible of Confucianism” is one of the most influential books more

  • Confucius

    The Analects, or Lunyu (pinyin: Lún Yǔ; literally "Classified/Ordered Sayings"), also known as the Analects of Confucius, are considered a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held. Written during the Spring and Autumn Period through the Warring States Period (ca. 475 BC - 221 BC), the Analects is the representative work of Confucianism and continues to have a substantial influence on Chinese and East Asian thought and values today. James Legge (December 20, 1815 – November 29, 1897) was a noted Scottish sinologist, a Scottish Congregationalist, representative of the London more

  • Marcus Aurelius

    Become familiar with the most important ancient philosophers, those who shaped Western philosophy. Delve deep into their works and thoughts with a selection of the essential quotes introducing their major ideas and delineating the structure of their work more

  • Confucius

    One of the undisputed giants in the history of human thought, and the founder of one of the world's longest-lasting cultural traditions, Confucius (known as Kong Fuzi in his native China) is arguably the most enduring of all the world's great thinkers. The Analects, the slender volume thought to have been compiled by his followers, has the strongest claim to represent Confucius' actual words. Sometimes pithy, sometimes conversational, occasionally enigmatic, often profoundly searching, the book contains memorable sayings about the moral health of the individual, the family and the body politic, and continues to be a source of inexhaustible wisdom after more than two and a more