Searching for: "Confucius"

  • Confucius

    Confucianism may be a religion or merely a moral philosophy, but this “Bible of Confucianism” is one of the most influential books more

  • Confucius

    The Analects, or Lunyu also known as the Analects of Confucius, are considered a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held. Written during the Spring and Autumn Period through the Warring States Period (ca. 475 BC - 221 BC), the Analects is the representative work of Confucianism and continues to have a substantial influence on Chinese and East Asian thought and more

  • Confucius

    The Analects, also known as the Analects of Confucius, are a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held. The Chinese title literally means "discussion over [Confucius'] words." Written during the Spring and Autumn Period through the Warring States Period (ca. 479 BC - 221 BC), the Analects is the representative work of Confucianism and continues to have a tremendous influence on Chinese and East Asian thought and values today. (Summary more

  • Confucius

    The Analects, or Lunyu (pinyin: Lún Yǔ; literally "Classified/Ordered Sayings"), also known as the Analects of Confucius, are considered a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held. Written during the Spring and Autumn Period through the Warring States Period (ca. 475 BC - 221 BC), the Analects is the representative work of Confucianism and continues to have a substantial influence on Chinese and East Asian thought and values today. James Legge (December 20, 1815 – November 29, 1897) was a noted Scottish sinologist, a Scottish Congregationalist, representative of the London more

  • Confucius

    Les idées de Confucius ont influencé toutes les civilisations d'Asie de l'Est. La croyance en la capacité de l'homme ordinaire à modifier son propre destin caractérise cet héritage. Ses 'Entretiens' et ses théories, largement popularisés par ses disciples, constituent une doctrine de perfectionnement moral, toujours d'actualité de nos jours. «L'homme de bien ne demande rien qu'à lui-même ; l'homme de peu demande tout more

  • Confucius

    La pensée de Confucius est si forte qu'elle domina la vie intellectuelle de la Chine ancienne pendant des siècles, allant jusqu'à constituer une véritable religion, le confucianisme. Lao-tsu (Laozi, Lao-tzu, ou Lao Tseu) est l'auteur du Tao Te Ching (Livre de la Voie et de la Vertu), et fut le père fondateur du taoïsme. C'est à lui qu'on doit le sens des équilibres yin et yang, le principe du non-agir, et l'idée du Tao, à l'origine de toutes choses. Siddharta Gautama était né prince ; dégoûté des illusions matérielles, il parcourut un temps le chemin de l'ascétisme, avant de se rendre compte que la négation du corps n'était qu'une autre des illusions de la more

  • Marcus Aurelius

    Become familiar with the most important ancient philosophers, those who shaped Western philosophy. Delve deep into their works and thoughts with a selection of the essential quotes introducing their major ideas and delineating the structure of their work more

  • Confucius

    One of the undisputed giants in the history of human thought, and the founder of one of the world's longest-lasting cultural traditions, Confucius (known as Kong Fuzi in his native China) is arguably the most enduring of all the world's great thinkers. The Analects, the slender volume thought to have been compiled by his followers, has the strongest claim to represent Confucius' actual words. Sometimes pithy, sometimes conversational, occasionally enigmatic, often profoundly searching, the book contains memorable sayings about the moral health of the individual, the family and the body politic, and continues to be a source of inexhaustible wisdom after more than two and a more

  • Bouddha

    ¿Le gusta descubrir a los autores a través de sus propias palabras, y llegar al núcleo de sus ideas de la manera más eficiente? Aquí hay una selección de citas de los más grandes pensadores que han caminado por la Tierra: Einstein, Platón, Spinoza, Schopenhauer, Dostoievski, Cicerón, Confucio, Sócrates, Nietzsche, Kant, Buda, Laozi, Leonardo da Vinci, Gandhi, Marco Aurelio, Martín Lutero Rey, Shakespeare, Proust, Jane Austen, Ana Frank, Antoine de Saint Exupéry, Napoleón Bonaparte, Winston Churchill, Abraham Lincoln, Charles de Gaulle, Oscar Wilde,Voltaire, Charles Louis de Montesquieu, Soren Kierkegaard, Ralph Waldo Emerson, Henry-David Thoreau, Denis Diderot, Georg more

  • Baruch Spinoza

    ‘2000 Final Quotations’ is an insightful and humorous collection of quotes from some of the world’s greatest thinkers, writers, artists, and statesmen. It contains contributions from Shakespeare, Gandhi and Carl Jung to Friedrich Nietzsche, Confucius and Leonardo da Vinci - and lots more! Stretching from Ancient Greece to 20th-century Germany, this wonderful compilation is guaranteed to inspire and entertain those who want a bit of extra philosophical guidance throughout their day. - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Jane Austen, William Shakespeare, Marcel Proust, Anton Chekhov, Arthur Schopenhauer, Friedrich Nietzsche, Laozi, Immanuel Kant, Mahatma Gandhi, Buddha, more

  • Confucius

    The Analects, or Lunyu, also known as the Analects of Confucius, are considered a record of the words and acts of the central Chinese thinker and philosopher Confucius and his disciples, as well as the discussions they held. Written during the Spring and Autumn Period through the Warring States Period (ca. 475 BC - 221 BC), the Analects is the representative work of Confucianism and continues to have a substantial influence on Chinese and East Asian thought and values today. William Jennings was a rector of Grasmere, and late colonial chaplain. He served at St. John's Cathedral in Hong Kong. (Summary by Wikipedia and more

  • Confucius

    The wisdom of Confucius for success and wealth! The Chinese thinker left many simple ideas in his genius that will help you achieve prosperity! This book will fill your everyday life with meaning and give you the opportunity to get out of the eternal shortage of money. Achieve success in deeds, making yourself happy, but also surrounding people. You will get acquainted with the principles of the ethics of oriental management, which guarantee effective management. The wisdom of Confucius will allow you to always make the right choice and thrive more

  • Confucius

    What is love? When did it appear? Writers, philosophers, scientists have been arguing about this for thousands of years. Love is passionate, undivided, first, strange, strong, all-conquering. Love can both purify the human soul, and lead to treason or betrayal. What can teach love? How to build relationships between lovers? How to make relations in the family harmonious? How to properly raise children so that they respect their parents? All this will be discussed in this book. Although advice for lovers was written by the ancient Chinese philosopher Confucius many thousands of years ago, they are still relevant. Also you will get acquainted with the biography of Confucius, the more

  • Confucius

    In this book, you will hear the aphorisms and sayings of the outstanding thinker of ancient China. Confucius gathered his faithful disciples and followers in one of the most famous books in the world, the Lun Yu book (Conversations and Judgments), which is the holy book for all followers of Confucianism. The book will allow you to open up the treasury of the world's wisdom, and is equally relevant to all peoples at more

  • William Shakespeare

    500 citations de 5 parmi les plus grands auteurs, écrivains et philosophes, pour développer vos connaissances, illustrer votre conversation et donner du grain à moudre à votre réflexion. Ce format permet d'aller à l'essentiel de la pensée d'un auteur tout en restant fidèle à son style ; ce format accessible est idéal pour la préparation aux concours ou pour développer sa culture générale. Avec cent citations par auteur, cette série vous fera rentrer en profondeur dans un éventail complet de pensées et d'oeuvres, avec William Shakespeare, Friedrich Nietzsche, Confucius, Platon, et l' more

  • William Shakespeare

    1000 citations de 10 parmi les plus grands auteurs, écrivains et philosophes, pour développer vos connaissances, illustrer votre conversation et donner du grain à moudre à votre réflexion. Ce format permet d'aller à l'essentiel de la pensée d'un auteur tout en restant fidèle à son style ; ce format accessible est idéal pour la préparation aux concours ou pour développer sa culture générale. Avec cent citations par auteur, cette série vous fera rentrer en profondeur dans un éventail complet d'oeuvres et de philosophies, avec William Shakespeare, Nietzsche, Confucius, Platon, Marc-Aurèle, Marcel Proust, Napoléon, Oscar Wilde, Sun Tzu more

  • Confucius

    Brought to you by Penguin. This Penguin Classic is performed by Windson Liong. This definitive recording includes an introduction by Martin Palmer. The Most Venerable Book (also known as The Book of History) is one of the Five Classics. For many centuries it was a central work for anyone wishing to work for the Imperial administration, with its prestige stemming from the belief that it had been assembled by Confucius himself. The First Emperor tried to have all copies destroyed because of its subversive implication that 'the Mandate of Heaven' could be withdrawn from rulers who failed their people. For similar reasons it was also banned by Mao. Extraordinarily, it has been revived more

  • Confucius

    El pensamiento de Confucio es tan fuerte que dominó la vida intelectual de la antigua China durante siglos, llegando a constituir una verdadera religión, el Confucionismo. Lao-tsu (Laozi, Lao-tzu, o Lao Tseu) es el autor del Tao Te Ching (Libro del Camino y la Virtud), y fue el padre fundador del Taoísmo. Es a él a quien debemos el sentido del equilibrio del yin y el yang, el principio de la no acción, y la idea del Tao, el origen de todas las cosas. Siddharta Gautama nacio como principe[AUTHOR| ] disgustado con las ilusiones materiales, recorrió el camino del ascetismo durante un tiempo, antes de darse cuenta de que la negacion del cuerpo era solo otra de las ilusiones de more

  • Confucius

    O pensamento de Confúcio é tão forte que dominou a vida intelectual da China antiga durante séculos, chegando ao ponto de constituir uma verdadeira religião, o confucionismo. Lao-tsu (Laozi, Lao-tzu, ou Lao Tseu) é o autor do Tao Te Ching (Livro do Caminho e da Virtude), e foi o pai fundador do Taoísmo. É a ele que devemos o sentido do equilíbrio yin e yang, o princípio da não-acção, e a ideia do Tao, a origem de todas as coisas. Siddharta Gautama nasceu príncipe; enojado com ilusões materiais, percorreu durante algum tempo o caminho da ascese, antes de perceber que a negação do corpo era apenas mais uma das ilusões da consciência. Foi então que alcançou a iluminação, more

  • Virginia Woolf

    Aqui está uma selecção cuidadosa das citações mais inspiradoras para ajudar a mudar a sua vida, aumentar a sua sabedoria e ajudá-lo a fazer as escolhas certas no seu próprio caminho. Com citações de Lao Zi, ou sobre Hatha Yoga, ou sobre sabedoria. Com a ajuda da sabedoria oriental e da criatividade ocidental, ganhará conhecimento e sabedoria e expandirá a sua mente ao descobrir vários autores entre os mais influentes das diferentes culturas em todo o mundo. Uma grande citação pode encapsular uma grande teia de ideias, pensamentos, reflexões, emoções em poucas palavras. Uma excelente citação exige que o leitor faça uma pausa para contemplar o verdadeiro significado more