Searching for: "Voltaire"

  • Voltaire

    La pluma brillante e imaginativa de Voltaire nos lleva de la mano por sus sugerentes universos ficticios, por todos sus mundos posibles. Introducción y traducción de Mauro Armiño, crítico literario que ha recibido numerosos premios por su labor traductora. Aunque Voltaire empezó a escribir cuentos en su etapa de «cortesano», cuando debía amenizar, como gentilhombre de la cámara del rey, los ocios de la corte, en los cuatro títulos que componen el presente volumen -Cándido, Micromegas, Zadig y El Ingenuo- ya están presentes los propósitos de toda su escritura: divulgar las nuevas ideas, combatir la ineptitud y la mentira religiosas, y luchar por la tolerancia. more

  • Francois Voltaire

    Brought to you by Penguin. This Penguin Classic is performed by Roy McMillan, narrator of Underland by Robert MacFarlane, The Second Sleep by Robert Harris and Love is Blind by William Boyd. This definitive recording includes an introduction by Haydn Mason and is translated by translated by Theo Cuffe. Something between a tale and a polemic, these 'fables of reason' are feats of narrative compression and contain much of Voltaire's best and funniest writing. From ribald tales of adultery to conversations between cosmic travellers, the stories in this collection pose moral, philosophical and social questions. Reader and protagonist alike find their assumptions challenged as more

  • Voltaire

    Candide ou l'Optimisme est un conte philosophique de Voltaire, considéré comme l'un de ses chefs d'œuvre. C'est le récit du voyage de formation d'un jeune homme naïf, chassé du meilleur des mondes possibles à la suite d'une leçon de physique expérimentale. Voltaire y manie l'ironie à l'encontre du conservatisme de la société de son époque. Candide, le jeune homme innocent, après avoir vécu toutes sortes d'aventures autour du monde, finit par se transformer en philosophe. 'Tous les événements sont enchaînés dans le meilleur des mondes possibles ; car enfin si vous n'aviez pas été chassé d'un beau château à grands coups de pied dans le derrière pour l'amour more

  • Voltaire

    An oriental philosophical tale, ´Zadig´ traces the adventures of the titular character, a man renowned for his 'just and moderate mind' and 'sincere and noble heart'. But his gifts give rise to jealousies in others that expose him to the vagaries of fate... Appointed prime minister, then disgraced and driven out of Babylon, Zadig, like all the heroes of fairy tales, is drawn into an initiatory journey that will take him from the banks of the Euphrates to Egypt; reduced to slavery, then freed by his master, he will cross Arabia and Syria. Faced with a thousand obstacles that put his reason and his optimism to the test, Zadig discovers that it is not easy to be happy. With this book, more

  • Voltaire

    Voltaire era um escritor francês famoso pela sua sagacidade e ironia. Foram os seus instrumentos para lançar ataques vitríticos à igreja católica estabelecida, aos adversários da liberdade de religião e expressão, e à separação da igreja e do Estado. A sua prolífica escrita tomou quase todas as formas literárias possíveis: peças de teatro, romances, ensaios, mas também poemas, obras históricas e científicas. Seleccionámos para si 100 das suas citações mais fascinantes, para que conheça a filosofia do Iluminismo, aprecie o talento de Voltaire na escrita. Aprofunde-se nas ideias mais importantes do autor de Candide, Zadig, o Dicionário Filosófico (Dicioná more

  • Voltaire

    Voltaire era un escritor francés famoso por su ingenio e ironía. Fueron sus herramientas para lanzar ataques virulentos contra la iglesia católica establecida, los adversarios de la libertad de religión y expresión, y la separación de la iglesia y el estado. Su prolífica escritura tomó casi todas las formas literarias posibles: obras de teatro, novelas, ensayos, pero también poemas, obras históricas y científicas. Hemos seleccionado para usted 100 de sus citas más fascinantes, para que conozca la filosofía de la Ilustración, aprecie el talento de Voltaire en la escritura. Profundice en las ideas más importantes del autor de Cándido, Zadig, el Dictionnaire more

  • Voltaire

    Voltaire was a French writer famous for his wit and irony. They were his tools for launching vitriolic attacks on the established Catholic church, the adversaries of freedom of religion and expression, and on separation of church and state. His prolific writing took almost every possible literary form: plays, novels, essays, but also poems, historical and scientific works. We have selected for you 100 of his most fascinating quotes, for you to get acquainted with the philosophy of the Enlightenment, appreciate Voltaire's talent in writing. Delve into the most important ideas of the author of Candide, Zadig, the Dictionnaire philosophique (Philosophical Dictionary), or the Letters on more

  • Voltaire

    First published in 1752, Micromegas is one of Voltaire’s best-known works. It is a tale of mordant irony, and actually the original science-fiction short story. Arriving on Earth from the star Sirius, the gigantic explorer Micromégas discovers the people of Earth, so small compared to him that he first believes that no creature this size can hope to achieve any degree of intelligence; he will soon discover the ways and thoughts of these diminutive people, who clearly have an over-inflated idea of their own importance in the universe. Voltaire's extrapolations of sun-powered interstellar flight, alien civilizations, and the two moons of Mars, are designed to make us see ourselves in a more

  • Voltaire

    Candide is a French satire first published in 1759 by Voltaire, a philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment. The novella has been widely translated, with English versions titled Candide: or, All for the Best (1759); Candide: or, The Optimist (1762); and Candide: Optimism (1947). It begins with a young man, Candide, who is living a sheltered life in an Edenic paradise and being indoctrinated with Leibnizian optimism by his mentor, Professor Pangloss. The work describes the abrupt cessation of this lifestyle, followed by Candide's slow and painful disillusionment as he witnesses and experiences great hardships in the world. Voltaire concludes Candide with, if not rejecting Leibnizian more

  • Voltaire

    Voltaire war ein französischer Schriftsteller, der für seinen Witz und seine Ironie berühmt war. Sie waren seine Werkzeuge, um vitriolische Angriffe auf die etablierte katholische Kirche, die Gegner der Religions- und Meinungsfreiheit und der Trennung von Kirche und Staat, zu starten. Sein fruchtbares Schreiben nahm fast jede mögliche literarische Form an: Theaterstücke, Romane, Essays, aber auch Gedichte, historische und wissenschaftliche Werke. Wir haben für Sie 100 seiner faszinierendsten Zitate ausgewählt, damit Sie sich mit der Philosophie der Aufklärung vertraut machen können und Voltaires schriftstellerisches Talent schätzen lernen. Tauchen Sie ein in die wichtigsten more

  • Voltaire

    Voltaire era uno scrittore francese famoso per la sua arguzia e la sua ironia. Erano i suoi strumenti per lanciare attacchi al vetriolo contro la chiesa cattolica affermata, gli avversari della libertà di religione e di espressione e della separazione tra Chiesa e Stato. La sua prolifica scrittura ha assunto quasi tutte le forme letterarie possibili: opere teatrali, romanzi, saggi, ma anche poesie, opere storiche e scientifiche. Abbiamo selezionato per voi 100 delle sue citazioni più affascinanti, per farvi conoscere la filosofia dell'Illuminismo, apprezzare il talento di Voltaire nella scrittura. Approfondite le idee più importanti dell'autore di Candide, Zadig, il more

  • Voltaire

    Voltaire var en fransk forfatter kjent for sitt vidd og ironi. De var hans verktøy for å lansere vitriolic angrep på den etablerte katolske kirke, motstandere religionsfrihet og ytringsfrihet, og om skillet mellom kirke og stat. Hans produktive skriftlig tok nesten alle mulige litterær form: skuespill, romaner, essays, men også dikt, historiske og vitenskapelige arbeider. Vi har valgt for deg 100 av hans mest fascinerende sitater, for deg å bli kjent med filosofien til opplysningstiden, setter pris Voltaire talent skriftlig. Fordype deg i de fleste viktige ideer av forfatteren av Candide, Zadig, den Dictionnaire Philosophique (Filosofisk ordbok), eller bokstavene på more

  • Voltaire

    Voltaire was een Franse schrijver die beroemd was om zijn humor en ironie. Zij waren zijn werktuigen om vitriole aanvallen te lanceren op de gevestigde katholieke kerk, de tegenstanders van de vrijheid van godsdienst en meningsuiting, en op de scheiding van kerk en staat. Zijn productieve schrijven nam bijna alle mogelijke literaire vormen aan: toneelstukken, romans, essays, maar ook gedichten, historische en wetenschappelijke werken. Wij hebben voor u 100 van zijn meest fascinerende citaten geselecteerd, zodat u kennis kunt maken met de filosofie van de Verlichting, Voltaire's schrijftalent kunt waarderen. Duik in de belangrijkste ideeën van de auteur van Candide, Zadig, de more

  • Voltaire

    Voltaire var en fransk författare känd för sin intelligens och ironi. De var sina verktyg för att starta vitriolic attacker mot den etablerade katolska kyrkan, motståndare religionsfrihet och yttrandefrihet och separationen av kyrka och stat. Hans produktiva skrivande tog nästan alla möjliga litterär form: pjäser, romaner, essäer, dikter, historiska och vetenskapliga arbeten. Vi har för du valde 100 av hans mest fascinerande citat för dig att bekanta sig med filosofi upplysningen, Voltaire uppskattar talang skriftligen. Dyk in de viktigaste idéerna av författaren av Candide, Zadig, den Dictionnaire Philosophique (Philosophical Dictionary) eller bokstäverna more

  • Donald F. Daley

    Vintage Sci-Fi 11 - 26 Science Fiction Classics from Isaac Asimov, Ray Bradbury, Voltaire, Philip K. Dick and more - Ring Around the Sun by Isaac Asimov - The Veldt by Ray Bradbury - The Masked World by Jack Williamson - The Small Bears by Gene L. Henderson - Accept No Substitutes by Robert Sheckley - Two Weeks in August by Frank M. Robinson - Dance of the Dead by Richard Matheson - Savage Galahad by Bryce Walton - Death-Wish by Ray Bradbury - Breakfast At Twilight by Philip K. Dick - Never Trust A Thief! by Robert Silverberg - The Street That Wasn’t There by Carl Jacobi and Clifford D. Simak - He That Hath Wings by Edmond Hamilton - The Man Who Killed The World by more

  • Voltaire

    Candide, is a French satire written in 1759 by Voltaire, a philosopher of the Age of Enlightenment. One of the finest satires ever written, this lively tale follows the absurdly melodramatic adventures of the youthful Candide, who is forced into the army, flogged, shipwrecked, betrayed, robbed, separated from his beloved Cunegonde, and tortured by the Inquisition. As Candide witnesses calamity, upon calamity, he becomes disillusioned and discovers that all is not always for the best. Candide is characterized by its sarcastic tone, dark humor and erratic, fantastical, fast-moving plot. Voltaire ridicules religion, theologians, governments, armies, philosophies, and philosophers and more

  • Voltaire

    Zadig, ou La Destinée, ("Zadig, or The Book of Fate") (1747) is a famous novel written by the French Enlightenment philosopher Voltaire. It tells the story of Zadig, a philosopher in ancient Babylonia. The author does not attempt any historical accuracy, and some of the problems Zadig faces are thinly disguised references to social and political problems of Voltaire's own day. The book is philosophical in nature, and presents human life as in the hands of a destiny beyond human control. It is a story of religious and metaphysical orthodoxy, both of which Voltaire challenges with his presentation of the moral revolution taking place in Zadig himself. Voltaire's skillful use of the more

  • Voltaire

    Voltaire : Biographie et extraits more

  • Voltaire

    Càndid és l’exemple més reeixit del gènere literari: narració filosòfica. Càndid, la més cèlebre de les novel·les de Voltaire, és l’exemple més reeixit de narració filosòfica, un gènere sorgit amb la Il·lustració. A través del personatge del jove Càndid, Voltaire formula la pregunta present en tota la seva obra: per què existeix el mal? A Càndid destaca la figura de Pangloss, tutor del jove i company de viatge en les seves aventures. Pangloss, caricatura de l’optimisme de Leibnitz i una font de disbarats filosòfics, està convençut que allò que passa és el millor que pot passar i que vivim en el millor dels mons possibles. Voltaire oposa a aquest more

  • Voltaire

    Voltaire est un maître de l'ironie et du mot d'esprit. Voilà les armes principales dont ce philosophe des Lumières, dramaturge, scientifique et poète se sert sans relâche dans ses attaques au vitriol contre l'institution catholique, les adversaires de la liberté de culte et d'expression, et de la séparation de l'Eglise et de l'Etat. Sélectionnées parmi ses oeuvres majeures, ces 100 citations vous familiariseront avec l'essence de sa pensée tout en nourrissant votre esprit de répartie, de Candide au Dictionnaire philosophique, en passant par Zadig, le Traité sur la tolérance ou l'une de ses six mille more