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Download Audiobooks from Audible

Audible downloads allow you to put digital audiobook files onto any device that supports mp3's. They have a 30-day free trial that lets you give the service a spin, and offer multiple plans to suit every reader. The Audible library has an incredible selection and all the newest releases, including exclusive titles. If you've got a Kindle e-reader, you can get deep discounts on audiobooks if you also buy or own the e-book version, and Amazon's Whispersync technology will sync your place in both formats so you can switch between them seamlessly.

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30 Day Free Trial

Sign up today and get your first month free. That's one free audiobook just to make sure you love the service! Cancel anytime within the 30 days and you'll never be charged.

Multiple Plans

Choose to get one or two books per month with a monthly subscription plan. If you're a bookworm and you know it, go for the annual plan and get 12 or 24 credits up front-a whole year's worth of credits all at once.

Whispersync with E-books

Save more when you buy the audiobook version of an e-book you own. Then, Whispersync technology will keep your place across both formats as you switch between reading and listening.

Great Selection

Tons of titles to choose from, including best sellers, new releases, and exclusive titles, as well as magazines and periodicals.

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